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Western Illinois University Summer 2017 Program Schedule

July 1- 28, 2017

Times are subject to change

Saturday, July1

Arrive in Chicago

Travel to Macomb, check into dorm

Group meal

Shopping if needed

Sunday, July 2



Monday, July 3

6:00 am: Put up flags at Chandler Park

6:30 pm 4th of July Picnic

Band performance at Q-lot, Fireworks

Tuesday, July 4–University Closed

To be determined.

Wednesday, July5

8:00 -10:30 am: ID cards, email accounts, testing,tour of campus and Rec. Center


Classes begin in the afternoon

Thursday, July 6

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:30– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:30 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Friday, July 7


Saturday, July 8


Sunday, July 9

               Free day

Monday, July 10

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Tuesday, July 11

7:15 – 8:15 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:30– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Horn Lodge team building and climbing wall

4:45 – 5:45pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Wednesday, July12

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Thursday, July13

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Friday, July 14

               Homestay starts in the evening

Saturday, July15


Sunday, July 16


Monday, July 17

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Tuesday, July18

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Wednesday, July19

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

6:15 – 8:00 pm: Dinner –Thompson Hall

Thursday, July20

77:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Stars viewing

Friday, July 21

7:15 -8:15 am: Breakfast – Olson Hall

8:30 am: Depart forSt. Louis – BBQ lunch, Budweisertour, check in to hotel, shopping

Saturday, July22

St. Louis Zoo/Art Museum, St. Louis Arch, return toMacomb

Sunday, July 23

Free day

Monday, July 24

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

Morning Classes

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Afternoon Class

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Tuesday, July 25(could depart for Chicago)

7:15 – 8:00 am: Breakfast- Olson Hall

               11:45– 12:30 pm: Lunch - Olson Hall

Graduation Reception

4:45 – 5:45 pm: Dinner - Olson Hall

Wednesday, July26

Depart for Chicago – Rosemont Fashion Outlet Mall

Thursday, July 27


Friday, July 28

               Departfor China

PossibleClass Schedule:

9-10:15 am: American Culture – HH 25

10:30 – 11:45 am: Reading and Writing – HH25

12:45 – 2:00 pm:  Listening andSpeaking – MH 339



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